When your baby is having disturbed sleep, then there is no chance for you to sleep peacefully. There can be many reasons why your little one cannot sleep well during the night. Uncomfortable blankets are one of these reasons. When you start looking for a good baby blanket, it is like a sea of options in which each fish claims to be the best. How can we know what kind of blanket will suit our babies the best? Well, this blog is like a guide for those parents who can't sleep at night due to their own child's discomfort with snuggle. We will be covering some of the cozy cuddle blankets that promise great sleep, warmth, and softness. Go on! Customized Baby Blankets – Snuggle Bubs You will encounter an unlimited series of designs for baby blankets. Some of them present plush animals, and some have other interesting patterns. On the other hand, at Snuggle Bubs, you can also order personalized baby blankets that meet the requirements of your little bundle of joy. While shopping for baby blankets, you must have to understand the appropriate purpose that each style of blanket serves. Keep in mind that every infant has different requirements. Let us begin by taking a look at some crucial categories of baby blankets.

Security Blankets

This one is mainly for the newborns. Security blankets are purposely designed to help those innocent ones feel safe and secure. Usually, these blankets are tied up with sturdy stuffed toys or plushies that make the toddlers keep them for a long time. Customized security blankets can become better and more meaningful for your children as they grow up. They will always keep them as a reminder of their happy youth days. Babies normally hold on to things when they are nervous (when introduced to a new environment or people), or they can also play with the attached toy anytime they like.

Swaddling Blanket

As their name indicates, they are used for swaddling your baby. They are made of stretchy material and fasteners to wrap your baby securely. The snug fit of security blankets mimics a bit of human touch, which is good when you are busy or not able to hold the baby. They are great for nighttime and also for when the baby needs a nap.

Crib Blankets

Any of the blankets used in a crib are crib blankets. Crib sheets, bedding sets, and blankets all lie in the category of crib blankets. For newborns, it is important to keep crib blankets out of the crib when the baby is sleeping. This is because babies move around when they sleep and might ruckle them up, which can cause breathing problems. Instead, you can use a security or swaddling blanket for only the case of newborns. Crib blankets are perfect for children who are more than 18 months old. While purchasing a blanket, keep in mind that the best blankets are made of breathable materials like cotton. Make sure that the blanket is big and thick to help your children snuggle up.


They are also known as wearable blankets. Cocoons are quite recent in the trends and are actually a blend of a dress, sleeping bag, and blanket. Your baby can easily fit in that big sack-like dress and have a great sleep; in addition, it acts like a fun outfit when the baby is awake.This unique style of blanket is very useful for keeping the child warm, and the great point is they do not compromise breathing.

Thermal Blankets

Thermal blankets are proved to be quite advantageous during the heavy summer days when children become more sensitive to the weather. You can cover them up with these blankets in summer because they are made of thin fabric.

Fleece Blankets

These are for winter. They are soft and warm blankets that have silk edges. Fleece blankets resemble stroller blankets and are great for the tough winter season, especially when you are not home and need to cover the baby with something warm.

Crochet Blankets

Pretty crochet blankets that we mostly receive as a gift at baby showers are hand-made and are one-of-a-kind. They are cute, warm, and comfy for your children. However, they have a disadvantage in that the fingers and toes can get stuck in between the knitted gaps. They can be useful for toddlers.

Final Words

There is no peaceful hour for the parent if the baby is not comfortable. After all, parenting is all about giving your child everything that you can, raising them well, and providing them with a cozy, comfortable environment. Little ones are very sleep-sensitive. Not like the known idiom “sleeping like a baby.” Even a little disturbance in the environment can make them awake. That is why it is crucial to provide them with the most pleasant environment. The newborn age of a human is among the most difficult ones. For their comfort, Snuggle Bubs comes up with the prettiest baby blankets. Try them out!

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Ref:  https://www.bestblog-world.com/wrap-your-little-one-in-love-personalized-baby-blankets/